I know I'm kinda irregular with my posts ( not irregular like that, I eat my fiber mind you ) might be the ADHD in me dunno. But last weeks news to hit was the Apple iPhone 4S. Looks like the 2nd, better, iteration of the iPhone 4. Although I and many others were hoping for wholesale changes, when I look at it this is really a step up from the iPhone 4. The form factor worked so why change it? I don't think the form factor was the issue, but really the lack of a bigger screen. I mean with all these new models around with 4.5" screens an iPhone owner could start feeling inadequate or undersized.
But with all the new features I think this one will standout. An 8 MP camera upgrade with new optics. This is another big leap forward with the camera. It has been moving this way with smartphones over the past couple years, but this one I think has made the jump to where carrying any other point-and-shoot camera is pointless. Flash, editing on the fly, and great optics and resolution all make a quick camera worth it. The new iOS 5 allowing for quick snap pix and now with the high rez its got the 1080p's for video that everyone regards as the gold standard (until the next thing comes, 3D, holographic, 1600p, etc.).
The A4 Chip being replaced with the A5 dual core picking up the speed, seems like a small change but the numbers may differ a lot when it comes to multitasking and graphics and battery life too. And a small change but may turn out to please many is the multi-antenna usage of the phone. They are claiming to improve cell phone signal and faster speeds with this but until seen with my own i's it will be hard to believe.
iOS 5 will be huge overhaul as well but this will be applied to the iPhone 3GS and up. Very impressed with the changes. I will need to get my hands on this and play around with the notifications and new apps before I do a review on this.
Overall, my iPhone 3GS compared to the 4S will see huge differences. Will have to post back with actual likes (or possible dislikes) with the new changes. Still a fan of Apple's iPhone and as much as my resistance comes to their products I respect the innovations Steve Jobs brought to us.